Rough Draft
Creating a Blog… My dear blogger (Ginger, is that a word?) friends, who are really my friends outside of blogging(I haven't met friends from blogging yet) had to slowly explain what a blog is and why I should have one. I understood the purpose much better than what a blog really is. I liked the idea of communicating with my friends whenever I wanted. This seemed to fit right into my plan to simplify.
Besides the purpose of a blog, my friends also explained a little bit about the guidelines of blogging and that creating a blog was so easy, even I could do it. Also, lurking really stood out in the conversation. I knew from the comments that I shouldn't lurk.
Hmm…. Blogging….Simple and I can do it. Communicate with friends whenever. And, no lurking.
That’s it. Well, that’s what I took away from the “the blog talk.”
I came to the conclusion that I needed a blog. I couldn't explain why I needed one to my husband, but I knew I did indeed need a blog. It seemed like life, that I'm trying to simplify, wouldn’t be complete unless I entered the world of blogging. He couldn’t relate to needing a blog for the purpose of communicating with friends. His comment was that it’s corny. I told him that using the word corny is corny.
So, on a quiet evening, after the kids were fast asleep and my husband was having a date with the TV, I visited my friend’s blogs and their friend’s blogs. Then, I left my first comments. Ohhh, it was great! I was feeling pretty good about my new found blogging skills and that lead to the decision of creating my own blog. Simple is what my friends told me. As you know, I'm all about simple- at least I'm working towards simple. Well, I created a blog. A very simple, boring blog. Not very satisfying. But, knowing that it was in rough draft form and "Under Construction", as Beth has claimed on her blog, I claimed victory! I had created a blog! Still, not completely understanding how a blog worked I was ok with saving my rough draft blog and returning to it in the future. What I didn’t understand was as soon as I clicked on save, others could visit my rough draft thoughts on my blog. A few days later, to my surprise, my friend Jamie told me she had made a comment and Ginger had made a comment on my secret blog. I was mystified! How did they find my secret blog? Jamie’s a good friend and helped me understand what had happened. Blogging may be simple, but there’s a lot to learn.
This is my first official post. Corny? Maybe. Satisfying? Maybe. Rough draft? Definitely. Just like me.
So, you’re reading this post from my blog that’s still in the rough draft of something better. I hope. I’m not finished with it yet. Which makes me think of the song titled, “Wait and See” by Brandon Heath. A few of the lyrics say it well:
There is hope for me yet
Because God won’t forget
All the plans he’s made for me
I have to wait and see
He’s not finished with me yet
Rough draft is a great name for the season of life I’m in. God is working on me in many areas and thankfully, he’s not finished with me yet. So, friends, please be patient with me. The creator of this blog isn’t quite finished. And, my Creator isn’t finished with me yet.
Those who can’t handle random stop here…. A confession, an observation, comments, and questions….
Confession: I've already committed the lurking offense. Sorry. I will try to resist from lurking. I do want you to know that I didn't lurk just to lurk. So, I don't consider myself a "lurker." Observation: Blogging is tiring. Comments: My future blogs will be short or shorter… Also, I’m not sure all those links on my friend’s blogs are for real people… Question: What is a person called when you just “visit” their blog and have a link from your blog, but you don’t know them or have never met them?
What I learned in 2014
10 years ago
Kelly, I love reading your thoughts. They are so NOT corny. I agree with you...using the word corny is whats corny:)
My life is most definitely in rough draft stage too. I'm so thankful that God is still working on me.
Don't worry about the lurking offense...everyone lurks at times! Just make sure to leave an occassional comment.
Yea Kelly! You did it! And such a cute little blog you have!
I occasionally still lurk, sometimes I am just too tired to comment, can you believe that? I guess it is more like too tired to make one complete thought that makes any sense.
We are all a work in progress are we not? Just different construction sites, same Master Planner ;o)
Hi Kelly! I also was reluctant to blog until I was challenged to stop being a "lurker". I, too, could not adequately explain to my husband why I needed to do this. But, I have found it to be great fun, a help in ways I didn't expect, encouraging & challenging.
I really enjoy being a part of the blogger community. Welcome from another "rough draft".
I am @
hey kelly,
I had no idea you were a "former lurker" sly thing.
welcome to to the blog-world!
can i add you to my "fave" list?
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